Thursday, June 2, 2011

Negative Nancy (not weight related)

I am feeling like a Negative Nancy today...and I don't like it.

I feel like I'm in a rut...I'm stuck in place and I am frustrated with trying to move to no avail.

I'm working at a job with no challenges or stimulating activity. I am at the bottom of the totem pole (even after a year and a half here) and there are some co-workers that seem to put forth their greatest effort to continue to make me feel that way. I am over-educated and under-paid.

I want to teach.

I have applied to every single job posting DPS has put up since February. I have applied to every single job posting Douglas county has put up since March. I have applied to every single private school posting on Craigslist.

I have not applied to Jeffco or Adams county because, from what I understand, there are going to be lay-offs and school closings...meaning no outside hiring. I need to apply to more charter that I think about it, that is going to be a goal for the next week.

You would think that having a master's degree might give me a little boost in the eyes of employers. Maybe? I haven't gotten a single call for an interview. I have gotten multiple rejection emails from Douglas County.

"While your qualifications are impressive, we have chosen interview candidates whose qualifications meet our school's needs more specifically."

My ass.

I know its still early...its only the first week of June...hell, some districts aren't even out of school yet. But I just feel so discouraged. I want to move forward with my life...with my career. I want to come home exhausted because I had a busy and challenging day...not because I stared at a computer screen for 8 hours and had zero mental stimulation during that time. I want to make a salary that I deserve. I want change.

I'm 24 and feel like I'm having a mid-life crisis. I'm too young for this...

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