Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ice Cream Sandwich

So today, my boss got back from lunch and had "gifts" for my co-worker and I. He got us these huge chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches...which, incidentally, are one of my favorite novelties.

I have one co-worker (Swill) who has been extremely supportive of my weight-loss journey...he is on one himself so we tend to talk about it and support each other. When my boss handed me the treat, I sat there and stared at it for a second. Swill looked at me and said he told him not to do it. But he had anyway. So there I stood, with a melting ice cream in my hand. They said I could give it away (with much razzing from my boss), so I did. I walked up to Jen and begged her to take it and do something with it. She took it quickly (and thankfully) and I walked back to my desk having consumed zero ice cream.

So why am I upset?! Shouldn't I be proud of my decision to walk away from an unplanned and unnecessary treat?

I know I made the right decision and I am proud that I took control and gave it away. I know those are the choices I need to make in order to continue to be successful. But right now, I am just bummed. I miss being able to just enjoy food and not think about it constantly (and my excess enjoyment is why I am here in the first place). I mean, I do still enjoy food and I do allow myself treats sometimes. But some days (like today) I feel like its a battle and I am not in the mood to fight.

I know I am just in a bit of a funk today and my mood is twisting my good decision into negativity. I just need to get out of this mood I'm stuck in.


  1. Ahhh Steph...don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing a remarkable job and you should be proud of yourself. As a side note, try the Breyers double chocolate ice cream bars...they are like 120 calories and I think they even have the points on the box - and they are pure indulgence! The Skinny Cow chocolate truffle bars are also really good - they don't even taste like they are low calorie/low fat treats!

  2. Ya I buy the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and also some of the Weight Watchers novelties...all of them have been really good. I'll have to try the Breyers ones though...they sound yummy.
