Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Interesting Day...

So yesterday was okay...kind of a weird day all around, though that doesn't really have much to do with my diet.

I did okay on my points...still had a lot left by the end of my work day. Its a bit frustrating because I feel like I am eating plenty of food throughout the day (only when I am hungry) but my points don't get used. I am trying really hard to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they are good for you and my diet says to. The problem is that they don't count for any points at all...meaning I could be totally satsified after a lunch of a sandwich and some fruit but my points are still really low. While that may sound like a good thing...I am left at the end of the day with a lot of points to consume in order to hit my goal. I am trying to make sure that I have more points for dinner than I do for my other meals so I can continue to still make "normal" dinners for Kyle and I (since he isn't on the diet...though he is extremely supportive)...but having over half my points left over seems excessive. I managed to eat all of them yesterday by having a blueberry muffin with margarine (the giant one's you can buy at Sam's Club...they are 15 points each!) and a small glass of milk for "dessert". It worked but I also know you aren't really supposed to eat after 8pm because your body starts to store fat and go into rest mode. I guess I just need to work more towards balancing it out better.

Exercise was a little low yesterday. I did the Wii Fit again for about 22 minutes...not quite as long as I wanted but we didn't get home until later (we ate dinner at Kyle's parent's house) and I was really tired. I did the short run and the long run plus some other games/activities so I guess at least I did that. I'm trying really hard to get motivated to exercise but its a big adjustment for me. Its funny because I love the way I feel when I'm working out and after but my motivation for starting is always lacking. Hopefully that will change in time as I settle into a routine.

I am still taking the pills I got...yesterday I didn't get that spacey feeling which was good. I ate a granola bar when I took the pills and then had a yogurt 30 minutes later. I think eating something with them helped minimize the effects. I did have a stomach ache most of the day though. I don't know if that can be attributed to the pills or if I just had a stomach ache for some other reason...

Well...I guess its still the adjustment period. Lets see how it goes...

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