Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Steps...

So during my "internal dilemma" yesterday, I realized that I was posing questions that I already knew the answers to. I KNOW that just because I have points left that doesn't give me an excuse to eat crappy food. I guess I just needed to verbalize it to whip myself into shape.

After I slipped up with the Chef Boyardee and the ice cream yesterday, I was determined to do well the rest of the day and today. I had Subway for dinner (I did get cheese but it was within my points and I figure cheese is a source of dairy that I need on occasion at least). I still had a few points left so I had some veggie straws and an all fruit Popsicle. Not my proudest two days but I know slip ups happen and I can't let it get me down...I need to make it work for me and motivate me to do better.

**On a side note...I want to thank the friends who gave me advice and helped me through my little slump know who you are and you helped immensely.**

Today, I have packed good foods...lots of fruits and veggies...healthy stuff...and I'm happy with that. So at least I know I'm on track for right now. I am nervous about this weekend though. My parents are visiting...we are going out to eat twice this weekend...and Sunday is Easter. I am going to try really hard to stay within my points and make healthy choices but I also want to make sure I enjoy my weekend and not constantly be stressed about what I'm going to eat. I have saved all my bonus points (49 per week) for this weekend so hopefully that will help me stay within my "budget".

I've failed miserably at working out the last two days. I did walk a little bit this morning (I parked about 15 minutes away from my work) but that is about it. I didn't get home until after 10pm last night and I had been up since 6am (which is REALLY early for me) I was not in the mood to exercise. I am hoping I can get a little Wii Fit in tonight and this weekend and then start with the gym on Monday morning.

I weigh in on Sunday...I am petrified of what the scale may say. I know I have done relatively well, especially because it is my first week. But I haven't been as active as I wanted and my biggest fear is to have to write on Monday that my weight went up or stayed the same. I'm trying really hard to be positive about the situation and not get discouraged before there is anything to be discouraged about.

A friend of mine provided me with a suggestion yesterday regarding my blog. She suggested that I end each entry with something that I've learned and something I am happy about. She said it will make the bad days a little easier to swallow by ending on a positive note. This could be really hard for me (those of you who know me well know how naturally pessimistic I can be) but I am going to try it.

I've learned that I know the right answer to the bad questions that I'm posing...I just need to listen and be honest with myself.

I am happy that I have not let my minor slip ups totally de-rail me like I have in the past.

Til tomorrow my friends...


  1. I love love the learned/happiness bit :)

  2. Good for you, Stephanie! :) You will do well - you have an honest outlook and you're not giving up. Keep up the good work!;)
