Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1

Well, yesterday was my first day doing the Weight Watchers program. Overall it went pretty well. I had a hard time balancing my points though and wound up with 5 left over by the time I went to bed. I was so focused on eating foods that are low on points, I under-ate a bit during the day.

For breakfast all I ate was some Greek yogurt (3 points)...then I had some grapes as a morning snack (fruit and veggies have a points value of 0 so they don't count towards my daily allowance, though I do track them). For lunch I had a turkey sandwich on a sandwich thin (less calories and points than regular bread) with no cheese or mayo...so that was 5 points. I also had a light string cheese (1 point) and some Veggie Straws (3 points). As a side note...for anyone looking for a relatively healthy chip like snack...buy some Veggie Straws...they are made from potatoes, tomatoes, and spinach...all natural...and REALLY yummy! I then had some celery (but not much cause it tasted funny for some reason). So total for the whole morning and afternoon I only had consumed 12 points worth of food (leaving me with 34 points). By the time I got off of work, I was really hungry. For dinner, Kyle made whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce. I had a full two servings (which equaled 16 points total) and was stuffed. But I still had 18 points left and with Weight Watchers you are supposed to eat your whole daily points allowance every day. So I had a real fruit popsicle (2 points) and then a bowl of cereal (10 points including milk)...leaving me with an extra 5 points. Ugh...

I also took my weight loss supplements yesterday for the first time. I am supposed to take between 1-3 pills 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch. I am also on a 3 day detox pill regimen which requires 3 pills before breakfast and lunch. I am only taking 1 of my weight loss pills before breakfast and lunch because I don't want to go overboard. But taking 4 pills twice a day was making me feel sick. I'm not sure if it was because my body wasn't adjusted to the pills but I got a bit nauseous and felt kinda spacey for a little while after taking the pills each time. I am going to try it again but if I continue feeling out of wack, then I'll stop.

For exercise yesterday I walked to and from work from the parking lot...which seems silly but my building doesn't have parking so I park a ways away to get cheaper parking (when I drive)...so its about a 10 minute walk each way, give or take. I didn't walk briskly or anything but I was still moving. I also did about 20 minutes on the Wii Fit when I got home. I did two rounds of jogging and some other aerobic and balance exercises. I did not go to the gym yesterday morning like I had originally planned. And after working out last night (and realizing how long its been since I've done any type of real working out) I decided that I am going to take it in steps. This week I am going to do the Wii Fit at night. Next week, I plan on adding the gym at least 3 mornings a week. Then I'll jump into the gym  5 mornings a week. I still plan on continuing participating in the Wii Fit every evening. I just figured with being so out of shape I need to build up my exercise routine. I don't want to wind up taking on more than I can handle and becoming discouraged.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my first day. I need to work on balancing out my food points a little better and making sure I'm eating enough but of the right things. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue writing about what I ate for the day...reading back it kinda seems a little silly. I'm sure those of you reading don't really need to know what I had for lunch.

Wish me luck for day two...hopefully I'll improve a little bit at least...

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up. I also have trouble eating all my points and don't worry about it although I should, since I have gained 3 pounds since the New WW went into effect. Don't think I like it much, but like a dope I threw away all the old stuff.

    Proud of you honey.
