Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad Day

So yesterday was a bad day...not necessarily because of my diet...but just as a whole the day pretty much sucked.

I had a doctor's appointment before work and found out I have high blood pressure. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considerin my weight but I've never had problems with it in the past (I was at the doctor less than 6 months ago and they never said anything at least). I discussed my diet and exercise plans with my doctor and he said that taking those steps should bring it down and I hopefully won't need medication. I am going to be going back in about 3 months to check in and find out if its gone down. Hopefully it will have...

So I went to work after that and was already in kind of a crappy mood. Then, in the middle of work, a tooth broke in half. It was a tooth that I had issues with previously but I wasn't able to get it fixed cause dentistry is outrageously expensive. So I was extremely upset about that. I went to the dentist this morning to find out what could be done and how much it'll get it fully fixed it is going to cost $1,100 AFTER insurance. Looks like I'm just getting it pulled and hopefully getting the rest done at a later date.

So all in all...yesterday sucked. I ate all but one point...but didn't eat nearly as many fruits and veggies as I want to. I was a bit unhealthy...even though I was still within my points for the day. I also didn't work out at all. I got home and was upset and grumpy so I just watched some tv and then went to bed.

I wasn't super productive or good about my diet. And unfortunately, I fear today may not be better. I have a dentist appointment in a few hours to get my tooth pulled...which introduces pain and difficulty eating. Then I go to work with a numb mouth, praying that I can answer the phone without sounding like a total fool.


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