Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weigh In 2/18/13

Weight loss this week: 1.1 lbs
Total weight loss so far: 88.7 lbs

I am thrilled that I lost because I struggled this week.

I had two days of over-indulgence...Valentine's Day being absolutely awful. I reverted to fat kid status and heavily indulged in pizza and bread sticks and cinnamon sticks and ice cream. Bad news.

Top that off with only 2 days at the gym...I thought I was done for.

I am hoping that I have a better week. I had a lapse of judgement with some donuts yesterday (I had the day off and...well...bad news bears) but I did well outside of that and today was good too. I am worried about the gym...I didn't go yesterday or today. I will find a way to exercise tomorrow but it may not be the gym (I have book club right after work so it'll depend on what time that ends). I will also make sure I go Thursday and Friday at least.

I really would like to be down 90lbs when I go to California on the 1st. That only leaves me with really one week to hit that...I need to lose 1.3lbs by Monday...so we'll see what happens. I just think it would be amazing to see my family and tell them that I've lost 90lbs! Last time I saw all of them, I was down 50lbs...almost double that is pretty sweet.

I'm just continuing to push through and work to not allow bad moments to derail me completely.

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