Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hot Mess

I was a HOT MESS last week.

I weighed myself and tracked it in my WW tracker but honestly...I do not want to post it.

All I can say is, I am back on track and moving forward. I hit the gym today and look forward to it the rest of the week.

That is all.


  1. you've been kicking some major ass. and i think you should put the emphasis on hawt in your hot mess :)

  2. Everyone has ups and downs Sweetie...the important thing is to not beat yourself up for the downs but instead, pick yourself up, brush off your hands, and keep going! You know you can do it and if you slip up every once and a while it's OK...you will not be struck by lightening and your family and friends are certainly not going to think any less of you...you are human and we all love you no matter what! As Dora in Finding Nemo says... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
